In conjunction with our Partners GNOSYS Technology Pty Ltd offers the following range of products to assist businesses with advanced data analytics.

Product Category

Extract, Load & Transform (ELT) Tool

Product Name

ELT Automation Framework

Product Features

The ELT Automation Framework is supplied to our clients as a low cost tool for data wrangling. The transformation and mapping rules are generated and exposed in a Microsoft SQL, MySQL or Oracle database and provides a rapid and agile alternative to developing Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
Additional components are available to enhance the base features of the ELT Automation Framework to deliver Scheduling, Job Control Dashboard and Reconciliation.



Product Category

Master Data Management

Product Name

Dimension Manager

Product Features

Dimension Manager is a low cost method for managing (mastering) high value business data into defined categories, attributes and hierarchies.
Dimension Manager provides a graphical representation of the tree structure (hierarchies) and associated attributes. It also allows data stewards to model alternative drill paths to assist with modelling new business structures. Dimension Manager will manage orphaned or incomplete categories so they are alerted to the data steward for appraisal by the business and governance.



Product Category

In-Memory Database

Product Name

Kognitio Analytical Platform

Product Features

In-memory analytics is becoming an integral part of Apache Hadoop architecture. Kognitio has been in the business for over 15 years developing a high performance MPP In-Memory Analytical platform with flexible deployment model available.

Kognitio Analytical Platform is a high performance row based In-Memory database which complements existing BI and data investments with a platform for advanced analytics. It delivers full MPP execution of any code or script such as R, Python, Java, WPS libraries and other languages of your choice, so that the whole workload is executed in parallel.


kognitio logo

Product Category

In-Memory Database

Product Name

Kognitio MDX Connector

Product Features

Kognitio MDX connector takes the OLAP model to a new level of efficiency, performance and agility. For the first time, Kognitio MDX connector provides users with a holistic OLAP view of 100% of their data volumes, and large data cubes can be created and deployed within just minutes with zero latency. In doing so, it eliminates the delays and inefficiencies encountered in changing business environments.

Kognitio MDX connector has taken on the challenge of providing OLAP users with a technology that eliminates the need to populate cubes; the Kognitio Cube Designer creates the metadata for the cube but the system does not undertake the operation of building the physical cube. By using the underlying infrastructure, the system makes all the summaries and aggregations normally undertaken during the cube building, on the fly. Therefore, Kognitio Cube Designer allows cubes to be built virtually instead of populating physical cubes and the process of publishing completely replaces the cube population process. As a result, publishing a cube takes seconds and minutes compared with the hours taken by the usual OLAP cube-building process.

This means that the changes to business information requirements can be implemented and published for use by front-line analysts in minutes. All the data in the underlying database is always available for analysis and can be incorporated into a single cube or multiple cubes depending upon the user security permissions and rights. Today, Pablo users are creating cubes in excess of 20 billion rows of data and there is no practical limitation to size.


kognitio logo

Product Category

Standardised Enterprise Business Language

Product Name


Product Features

Balanced Insight ConsensusNow provides an enterprise business glossary out of the box. ConsensusNow allows you to retain corporate memory by managing your key business terminology and make it instantly accessible in reports, dashboards and documents, so that everyone’s on the same page, all the time. As a unified platform, all users, data stewards, developers, and subject matter experts have the ability to define and access key terms affecting your business metrics and reporting semantics.


2010 Balanced Insight Logo - 3 Orange Gears with Leader in Agile BI Delivery Tag Line